Thursday, January 27, 2011

9 ways to increase the security of your laptop while on the road

Using your laptop to get work done away from your office or on the road is becoming widely accepted. But this rapid growth in laptop computing has made portable systems the target for theft around the world. If your laptop computer is stolen, company information can be exposed, as well as your personal and financial information.

Use these 9 tips to learn how you can keep your laptop more secure when you're on the road.
1. Avoid using computer bags

Computer bags can make it obvious that you're carrying a laptop. Instead, try toting your laptop in something more common like a padded briefcase or suitcase.

2. Never leave access numbers or passwords in your carrying case

Keeping your password with your laptop is like keeping the keys in the car. Without your password or important access numbers it will be more difficult for a thief to access your personal and corporate information.

3. Carry your laptop with you

Always take your laptop on the plane or train rather then checking it with your luggage. It's easy to lose luggage and it's just as easy to lose your laptop. If you're traveling by car, keep your laptop out of sight. For example, lock it in the trunk when you're not using it.

4. Encrypt your data

If someone should get your laptop and gain access to your files, encryption can give you another layer of protection. With Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 you can choose to encrypt files and folders. Then, even if someone gains access to an important file, they can't decrypt it and see your information. Learn more about how to encrypt your data with Windows XP, encrypt your data with Windows Vista, or encrypt your data with Windows 7.

5. Keep your eye on your laptop

When you go through airport security don't lose sight of your bag. Hold your bag until the person in front of you has gone through the metal detector. Many bags look alike and yours can easily be lost in the shuffle.

6. Avoid setting your laptop on the floor

Putting your laptop on the floor is an easy way to forget or lose track of it. If you have to set it down, try to place it between your feet or against your leg (so you're always aware it's there).

7. Buy a laptop security device

If you need to leave your laptop in a room or at your desk, use a laptop security cable to securely attach it to a heavy chair, table, or desk. The cable makes it more difficult for someone to take your laptop. There are also programs that will report the location of a stolen laptop. They work when the laptop connects to the Internet, and can report the laptop's exact physical location. One such tracing program is ComputracePlus. 

8. Use a screen guard

These guards help prevent people from peeking over your shoulder as you work on sensitive information in a public place. This is especially helpful when you're traveling or need to work in a crowded area. This screen guard from Secure-It is just one example of a screen guard you could use. 

9. Try not to leave your laptop in your hotel room or with the front desk

Too many things have been lost in hotel rooms and may not be completely secure. If you must leave your laptop in your room, put the "do not disturb" sign on the door.


Would like to know your mobile is original or not?!!

Type *#06#

After you enter the code you will see a new code contain 15 digits:

43 4 5 6 6 1 0 6 7 8 9 4 3 5
IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 02 or 20 that mean it was Assembly on Emirates which is very Bad quality Sad
IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 08 or 80 that mean its manufactured in Germany which is not bad
IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 01 or 10 that mean its manufactured in Finland which is Good
IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 00 that mean its manufactured in France which is the best Mobile Quality

Monday, January 24, 2011

Boost-Up-Internet-Speed-Without Software

Boost-Up-Internet-Speed-Without Software

Above 90% computers all over the world run Windows... and hence another computer trick.

But do you know that about 20% of your internet bandwidth is reserved by Microsoft.
Uses of Reserved Bandwidth
** Windows Automatic Updates rely on this reserved bandwidth.
** Fast loading Microsoft Websites
** Sending Error Reports
** Online Help support in Microsoft Office
But this can be recovered back...
The Remedy
** Start >> Run
** Type gpedit.msc
** This opens the Policy Editor
** Now, Local Computer Policy >> Computer Configuration
** Then, Administrative Templates >> Network
** Now, click on QOS Packet Scheduler
** Now, on Right hand side
** Double Click Limit reservable bandwidth
** Now in Setting Tab

********************* NOTE **********************
It says : Not Configured
Reality : The Explain Tab says "By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection"
************************************************** *

** So, on Setting Tab select Enabled
** Now, change Bandwidth limit (%) to 0 (Zero)

********************** NOTE ********************
Misconcept : This don't means that you won't be able to communicate with Microsoft or any its services !!!
Actually : This reserved Bandwidth is only to accelerate Microsoft internet connections more than other connections !!!
************************************************** **

** Click OK !!!

That's All !!!

অনলাইনে ফন্ট পরিবর্তন

কম্পিউটারে ইউনিকোড ফন্ট ইন্সটল করা না থাকলে সাধারণত ইউনিকোডে লেখা ফাইল পড়া যায় না। আবার বিজয় ফন্ট ইন্সটল না থাকলে বিজয় ব্যবহার করে লেখা ফাইল পড়া যায় না। অনলাইনে এক ফন্ট থেকে অন্য ফন্টে পরিবর্তন করতে প্রথমে এই ওয়েবসাইটে যান। ইউনিকোড থেকে বিজয় ফন্টে পরিবর্তন করার জন্য প্রথম বক্স আপনার লেখা পেস্ট করুন এবং 'পুরনো বাংলায় নিচে বদলে আনো' অপশনে ক্লিক করুন। বিজয় থেকে ইউনিকোডে কনভার্ট করার জন্য আপনার লেখা পেস্ট করে এবং ইউনিকোডে 'ওপরে বদলে নাও' অপশনে ক্লিক করুন।

Reasons for not detecting hard disk

The most common reason is a loose or badly connected data cable. Make sure the data cable is plugged in properly, both into the hard disk, as well as the motherboard.

The same goes for power cable, so check that as well. Also, make sure that the red lines on the data cable and power cable are adjacent to each other.

One you’ve ruled out any cable problems, check the jumper setting on the drives. If two drives are connected to a port, make sure one is set as master and the other as Slave, or else both are set to Cable Select.

Next, make sure your drive controllers on your motherboard are not disabled. These controllers control IDE devices, and without them the BIOS cannot detect the drives.

Go to the BIOS setup, and under the Integrated Peripherals menu, make sure that ‘On Board HDC’ is enabled for both Primary and Secondary channels.

Also ensure that all drive types are set to AUTO under the Standard CMOS Setting.
If you are not comfortable with changing the BIOS values, just reset the BIOS to factory defaults.

When all else fails, so has your hard disk send it to a technician for servicing.
I hope this Guide will solve your hard disk detection problem on your motherboard bios.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Nokia Hack for New Firmwares

Hello people, you all probably know now that the newest firmwares are preventing our phones to be hacked!!! At least, it has with my Nokia E51, and I've heard also with Nokia N93...
After the firmware update, it wasn't possible to establish comunication between TRK app and famous python script!!!

Now, all this is possible!

Here is the complete procedure!!!!

First, you need to install any file browser, for example FExplorer or [not allowed text]plorer.
Then, download and install

Start your file browser. Go to C:
Try to access c:\sys
It should fail because don't have permissions.
Don't close the browser.

Start HelloCarbide
when you install the app just open it, open Menu1 and answer Yes when prompted (Yes/No)
the app will exit.

You're phone has all the caps right now. But there is one problem, you can't open any new apps. So I suggest that you open X-Plore before running the app and downloading the installserver.exe from this forum before you run this application.


1. Install the hellocabride app from the attachment
2. Copy installserver.exe from this attachment to your phone
3. Run X-PLore
4. Switch to the menu and run the hellocabride application
5. Press options and chose Menu1
6. Answer Yes (it will be the right soft key)
7. The app will close.
8. Navigate to X-Plore and copy the installserver.exe to c:\sys\bin (remember to set x-plore to see hidden and system folders/files )

Remember to reboot the phone when you're done

you're done, you can install any unsigned app even with full capabilities from now on (ROMPatcher, BiNPDA Platform Security). Yo can also turn off/on caps of the Symbian Operating system in the future.


Edit: in some phones, especially pre FP1 phones such as 3250,5500,6290,E50,E60,E61,E61i
E62,E65,E70,N71,N73,N75,N77,N80,N91,N92,N93,N93i you will also have to put file - "CProfDriver_SISX.ldd" along with installserver.exe to C:\sys\bin to make this hack work

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Age magic (MAM 6.2.0)

এই Software দিয়ে আপনি জানতে পারবেন....আপনার বয়স...আপনি জীবনে সর্বমোট কত দিন পার করছেন এবং আপনি কি বারে জন্মগ্রহন করেছিলেন.....সুধু আপনার নাম এবং জন্মদিনের তারিখ দিয়ে.....


কম্পিউটার নিজেই আপনার চোখ নিরাপদ রাখবে!!!

চোখের সমস্যার অনেক কারনের মধ্যে আন্যতম একটি প্রধান কারন হলো কম্পিউটারের মনিটর। মনিটর থেকে ক্ষতিকারক গামা রশ্মি বের হয় যা কিনা চোখের জন্য ক্ষতিকারক। এছাড়াও মনিটরের স্ক্রিন দিনের বেলা যতটুকু উজ্জল থাকে ঠিক ততোটুকু রাতের বেলাও থাকে অথচ রাতে ঐ আলো চোখে লাগে। আর এতসব ভেজাল থেকে মুক্তি দিবে F.lux নামের একটি ছোট সফটওয়্যার। এর সাইজ মাত্র 546KB।

এই সফটওয়্যারের সব চেয়ে মজার বিষয় হলো, মনিটরের স্ক্রিনের আলো অটোমেটিক পরিবর্তন হবে। যা কিনা ২৪ ঘন্টা সময় অনুযায়ি পরিবর্তন হবে। অর্থাৎ দিনের বেলা কম্পিউটারের স্ক্রিন থাকবে বেশি উজ্জল আবার রাতের বেলা মনিটরের আলো থাকবে আপনার চোখের জন্য মানানসই। আর এসব পরিবর্তনের জন্য আপনাকে কিছুই করতে হবে না। এটা নিজে নিজেই সময় অনুযায়ি পরিবর্তন হবে।


Monday, January 17, 2011

Make Your Old PC Running Like New

Who Doesn’t Want a New PC in A New Year??
Yeah EveryOne Does,
But It is Not Possible For All To Buy A PC Each Year.
So What Should He Do?
Well….He May Wants To Make His Old PC Running Like New One. In Short, He Wants To Boos His PC Speed.
Here’s Some Tips To Make PC Faster.

1. Do More With Less

Running too much software on your computer can eat up your hard drive space and degrade performance quickly. Be efficient when selecting software; only get what you need and use one solution instead of two when possible. Here are a few areas where you can cut corners:
Antivirus software: Choose an antivirus product that protects your computer from viruses, spyware and adware. There’s no need to purchase a separate solution to protect your computer from each when most of the top brands offer comprehensive protection. Using just one application for protection will decrease the number of programs running on your machine at the same time.
PDF tools: The top PDF tools offer more features than the average consumer actually needs. Try the lite version where possible, or try Foxit’s PDF Creator. It’s a great, lightweight alternative that uses less space on your hard drive and won’t slow down your computer.
File compression utilities: File compression utilities allow you to compress files to reduce their size and open compressed files without using a lot of disk space. By using the software to compress your files, you can actually get more mileage out of your hard drive and backup drive instead of purchasing a larger one.
An uninstaller program is also a nice add-on to the products above ― it can help remove all of the “helper files” related to software programs that you might not be able to remove on your own. You can find several highly rated freeware or shareware programs at

2. Add More RAM to Boost Speed

When you run any application on your computer, it uses part of your RAM (Random Access Memory). When you don’t have enough RAM, your computer runs significantly slower. Adding more RAM to your computer can give you an easy speed boost. Newer applications require more RAM, so even if you don’t run a lot of applications at once, an older PC might need an upgrade.
Crucial has a great tool to help you determine exactly what you need. Just enter the make and model of your PC, and Crucial tells you your current system specifications and the maximum RAM capacity that your computer can handle. It even provides excellent guides to help you install RAM yourself and troubleshoot problems, and it’s also a great place to get good deals on memory.
The installation process is straightforward (and even easier for laptops than desktops), so you can do it yourself. has created easy-to-follow installation videos for installing RAM. The desktop RAM video is here, and the laptop RAM video is here.

3. Move to the Cloud 

Using more than 80% of your hard drive space can make your computer sluggish over time. Most experts agree that you should leave about 15% to 20% of your disk space free. If you’re maxing out your hard drive space, you don’t need to buy a new computer or install a larger hard drive. Instead, you can move your files to the “cloud,” which is a set of technologies and services that allow you to do normal computing tasks over theInternet in real time. For example, instead of storing your pictures on your hard drive (which could take up several gigabytes of space), you can put them on a photo-sharing site (Picasa, Facebook,Photobucket, etc.) or a free online file storage tool like DropBox.
Online backup solutions are a great way to get more mileage out of your hard drive. You can look at online backup solutions, such as Mozy, SugarSync or Carbonite, or you can get an external hard drive with backup software. For some excellent advice on setting up an external hard drive backup system, check out thisLifehacker guide.
Online backup solutions are the most convenient way to store your files because you can access them from any computer, as long as you have a good Internet connection. External drives can be heavy and cumbersome when traveling, and you risk losing all of your files if the drive is damaged or misplaced. However, online backup solutions are more costly than external drives. Most services charge a recurring monthly or yearly fee, whereas external drives are a one-time expense.

4. Wipe Your Computer

If your computer still doesn’t perform as good as new after trying the previous tips, consider restoring it to its factory settings. Identifying and repairing every issue affecting your computer’s performance can be time-consuming and difficult (even for advanced users). Starting from scratch allows you to remove everything lurking in your system that might be slowing it down. In fact, it’s the only way to be completely sure that you’ve removed harmful viruses or trojans.
Before wiping your computer, make sure you have an effective backup solution to store your documents, media files (video, photos, music, etc.), web browser settings, bookmarks, saved game files, and any other files that you can’t do without. Browser settings and bookmarks can be exported directly from your browser. Game files are trickier because every game is different. You might be able to copy the files from your game’s program directory file, but you should visit the official website for each of your games for specific instructions.
Then, identify the programs that you want to keep on your computer (games, antivirus software, Office, etc.). You will need to locate the installation disks, product keys or download links for each program that did not come with your computer when you purchased it.
Most computers come with a recovery disk, so when you’re ready to take the plunge, just pop in the disk and choose the “Restore” option. However, some computers don’t have recovery disks. Instead, this information is stored on a small portion of the hard drive that is partitioned from the rest of your data and will not be erased upon restoring the computer. See the manual that came with your computer for further instructions as this process will vary.


Sam RAhman

Setting up a new broadband connection in windows xp

1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network and Internet
2. Click Network Connections, and then click Create a new connection in the Network
Tasks pane.
3. After the Network Connection Wizard starts, click Next.
4. Click Connect to the Internet, and then click Next.
5. Click Set up my connection manually, and then click Next.
6. Click either Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and
password or Connect using a broadband connection that is always on.
7. Type the Internet service provider (ISP) name that your ISP provided, and then
click Next.
8. Type the user name that the ISP provided.
9. Type the password that the ISP provided.
10.Type the password one more time to confirm it, and then click Next.
11.Click Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop.
12.Click Finish to complete the wizard.


WiMAX is the latest technology in the field of wireless internet. In fact it is the only available technology which enables broadband in wireless internet. WiMAX is the acronym for worldwide interoperability for microwave access. To phrase in simple words, WiMAX enables the users to access high speed internet with extreme mobility. This technology has several benefits when compared with existing WiFi technology. WiMAX uses microwave as a medium for data transfer which means a tower similar to the cell phone tower is used. Due to the use of microwaves, for a range of thirty miles, the data transfer rate can be nearly 75 MBPS. This would enable high speed internet access to more than 1000 computers from a single tower. The major advantages of WiMAX are, rural areas will be able to access broadband internet very easily at a much cheaper rate, Setting up internet access for the whole city can be completed within a couple of days. This would mean that in the near future we would be able to access the internet as if we are using the cell phones. It is possible to get hooked to the net from almost anyplace in the world.

Network scale

The smallest-scale network possible is a personal area network (PAN). A PAN allows devices to communicate with each other over short distances. Bluetooth is the best example of a PAN. A local area network (LAN) can also be easily setup. A LAN allows devices to share information, but is limited to a fairly small central area, such as a company's headquarters, a coffee shop or your house. Many LANs use WiFi to connect the network wirelessly.

WiMAX is the wireless solution for the next step up in scale, the metropolitan area network (MAN). A MAN allows large areas to be connected, i.e. the size of a city can be connected very easily.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Review on outlook 2007

The new Outlook 2007 from Microsoft is a strong update of the previous Outlook 2003. It has some newly added features that it makes our work an easy thing to do. The Microsoft Outlook 2007 is not a revolutionary product that completely redefines the concept of e-mail work. The ease of use of the client has been improved significantly though.


The Microsoft Outlook 2007 has improved features like the new Ribbon toolbar which is an excellent add on to the product and it just makes the program a pleasure to use. The menu items are very accessible and easy to use.

Microsoft Outlook 2007 has been a good surprise to all. Many features that have really impressed all, like the quality of the searches and the speed of the client. The security feature of Microsoft Outlook 2007 has been the most important issue to make a note of.


Many commands from the previous version of Outlook are retained which makes it more user friendly. There has been built the support for other office clients. The e-mail messages can now be opened even via word documents.

If you have been used with the simplicity of dragging and dropping, marking the important files with a specific color and so on, you will find Microsoft Outlook 2007 a fresh breath of air, because we have been amazed by the ease of using the client.


Outlook 2007 utilizes word 2007 HTML for depiction that makes message format unbalanced.


It is almost impossible to return to the previous version of Microsoft Outlook 2003 once you have tried the new Microsoft outlook 2007. The Outlook 2007 is a great thing for both experienced users and users that have used Outlook a short period of time because they can benefit from the fact that the client is very easy to navigate through and it has a very user friendly interface. The upgraded version has granted our wishes. Everything that we have wished for from the previous versions it is now present in the outlook 2007.


1. Open Notepad & paste this


2. Save it as
The AntiVirus should stop you.
if it stops means the anti virus is perfectly running else its out of date or not working properly.


1. Java
2. C
3. PHP
4. C#
5. C++
8.Visual Basic

Like to Change the Internet Explorer Title?

Follow these simple steps
1)=>goto Start
2)=>type Regedit
3)Go to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title

4)Enter what you want appear in the title bar


Thats itYOUR NAME will be displayed.


=>Open notepad and type
=>save as autorun.inf on the desktop
Write ur CD with the autorun file, ur desired icon for the CD & the setup file.
iconname.ico is the name of the icon file which is desired for ur CD. =>Setup.exe is the name of da setup which u want to make it autorun


1)goto START=>RUN
2)type regedit
3)select HKEY_CURRENT_USER and
select control panel folder and
then select desktop folder
4)At the right hand side,you can see registry settings
select=>Menu ShowDelay
then right click and selec => modify
5)you can now see Edit String option
default value data is 400
change it to 000
now press ok and restart your computer.your computer will be 200% faster.

Compress Your 1 GB data/movie in Just 10 MB

Compress Your 1 GB data/movie in Just 10 MB

It is Amazing to say compress ur 1GB data/move into 10MB. Really it is possible with the KGB Freeware (Open source) software. U can Down load the software from

Its damn simple..Heres the procedure.. U can compress that data in two formats..1) KGB format 2) ZIP format ..Everyone knows the ZIP format..I tell u which is better & why..If u do it in KGB format it takes 5-6 hours on a 256 mb RAM, to compress 1 GB data/movie in less than 10 MB , but (this is not which i prefer) coz to decompress u take the same time.. So its useless..& u need KGB archiver only only for this format to decompress..But if u do it in ZIP format it takes 6-7 hours on a 256 MB ram, but i tell u its worth coz WINRAR & WINZIP both can decompress it in seconds.. OK now its clear that which format to use & which is better..Now we'll go how to use that software..Run the application>> It asks for which file u wanna compress>> select the file>> after u select>> U get two options in which format u want to compress it>> select ZIP format ( I prefer ) >> and then set compression level to maximum (maximum the compression level , small the size of it will be compressed)>> Just ignore the time given below it coz its just useless....... There is option that u can auto shutdown ur computer after the compression is over..SO u can got school/college/office & keep it to get compressed.. I do the same..

it take some time to compress


If your computer continues to be slow


This issue can be caused by any of the below possibilities.

1. Hard disk drive is short on available disk space.

2. Several software programs have been installed/uninstalled leaving behind bad files and/or confusing the software.

3. Data Corruption.

4. Computer is overheating.

5. Bad Hardware.

PC Solution:

Below are steps for Microsoft Windows that should help speed up the computer or determine why the computer is running slow.

Not enough hard disk drive space

If you have a hard disk drive that is 2GB or smaller, ensure that there is at least 200MB of hard disk drive space free. If you have a hard drive larger than this size, verify that there is at least 500MB of free hard disk space. This available space allows the computer to have room for the swap file to increase in size as well as room for temporary files.

Hard drive corrupted or fragmented

Run Scandisk or something equivalent to help ensure that there is nothing physically wrong with the computer hard disk drive.

Run Defrag to help ensure that data is arranged in the best possible order.

Background programs

Remove or disable any TSRs or programs that automatically start each time the computer boots.

Hardware conflicts

Verify that the Device Manager has no conflicts, but if conflicts are present, resolve them.

Issues with Windows XP prefetch

If you have Windows XP try deleting all files in the prefetch directory. These are prefetch files and can lower system resources if loading programs no longer being used. See our prefetch definition for additional information about prefetch.

Issues in Windows 95 / 98 autoexec.bat / config.sys

If you are using Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 and do not plan on running any MS-DOS programs from MS-DOS, click Start / Run / type command and press enter. In the MS-DOS window type cd to get to C: then type "ren autoexec.bat" and "ren config.sys". This will rename your autoexec.bat and config.sys and help make sure memory is being optimized through Windows.

Computer or processor is overheating

Make sure your computer and processor is not overheating, excessive heat can cause a significant decrease in computer performance some processors will even lower the speed of the processor automatically to help compensate for the heat related issues.

Specific operating system basic troubleshooting

Try running through the basic troubleshooting steps for your operating system.

Erase computer and start over

Finally, if none of the above solutions resolve your issues, it is recommended that you either reinstall Windows and/or erase everything and then start over.

Hardware issues

If your computer continues to be slow after going over each of the above recommendations it's possible that your computer is experiencing a more serious hardware related issue such as a failing component in the computer. This could be a failing or bad CPU, RAM, Motherboard, orother component.

If your computer continues to be slow


This issue can be caused by any of the below possibilities.

1. Hard disk drive is short on available disk space.

2. Several software programs have been installed/uninstalled leaving behind bad files and/or confusing the software.

3. Data Corruption.

4. Computer is overheating.

5. Bad Hardware.

PC Solution:

Below are steps for Microsoft Windows that should help speed up the computer or determine why the computer is running slow.

Not enough hard disk drive space

If you have a hard disk drive that is 2GB or smaller, ensure that there is at least 200MB of hard disk drive space free. If you have a hard drive larger than this size, verify that there is at least 500MB of free hard disk space. This available space allows the computer to have room for the swap file to increase in size as well as room for temporary files.

Hard drive corrupted or fragmented

Run Scandisk or something equivalent to help ensure that there is nothing physically wrong with the computer hard disk drive.

Run Defrag to help ensure that data is arranged in the best possible order.

Background programs

Remove or disable any TSRs or programs that automatically start each time the computer boots.

Hardware conflicts

Verify that the Device Manager has no conflicts, but if conflicts are present, resolve them.

Issues with Windows XP prefetch

If you have Windows XP try deleting all files in the prefetch directory. These are prefetch files and can lower system resources if loading programs no longer being used. See our prefetch definition for additional information about prefetch.

Issues in Windows 95 / 98 autoexec.bat / config.sys

If you are using Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 and do not plan on running any MS-DOS programs from MS-DOS, click Start / Run / type command and press enter. In the MS-DOS window type cd to get to C: then type "ren autoexec.bat" and "ren config.sys". This will rename your autoexec.bat and config.sys and help make sure memory is being optimized through Windows.

Computer or processor is overheating

Make sure your computer and processor is not overheating, excessive heat can cause a significant decrease in computer performance some processors will even lower the speed of the processor automatically to help compensate for the heat related issues.

Specific operating system basic troubleshooting

Try running through the basic troubleshooting steps for your operating system.

Erase computer and start over

Finally, if none of the above solutions resolve your issues, it is recommended that you either reinstall Windows and/or erase everything and then start over.

Hardware issues

If your computer continues to be slow after going over each of the above recommendations it's possible that your computer is experiencing a more serious hardware related issue such as a failing component in the computer. This could be a failing or bad CPU, RAM, Motherboard, orother component.

If your computer continues to be slow


This issue can be caused by any of the below possibilities.

1. Hard disk drive is short on available disk space.

2. Several software programs have been installed/uninstalled leaving behind bad files and/or confusing the software.

3. Data Corruption.

4. Computer is overheating.

5. Bad Hardware.

PC Solution:

Below are steps for Microsoft Windows that should help speed up the computer or determine why the computer is running slow.

Not enough hard disk drive space

If you have a hard disk drive that is 2GB or smaller, ensure that there is at least 200MB of hard disk drive space free. If you have a hard drive larger than this size, verify that there is at least 500MB of free hard disk space. This available space allows the computer to have room for the swap file to increase in size as well as room for temporary files.

Hard drive corrupted or fragmented

Run Scandisk or something equivalent to help ensure that there is nothing physically wrong with the computer hard disk drive.

Run Defrag to help ensure that data is arranged in the best possible order.

Background programs

Remove or disable any TSRs or programs that automatically start each time the computer boots.

Hardware conflicts

Verify that the Device Manager has no conflicts, but if conflicts are present, resolve them.

Issues with Windows XP prefetch

If you have Windows XP try deleting all files in the prefetch directory. These are prefetch files and can lower system resources if loading programs no longer being used. See our prefetch definition for additional information about prefetch.

Issues in Windows 95 / 98 autoexec.bat / config.sys

If you are using Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 and do not plan on running any MS-DOS programs from MS-DOS, click Start / Run / type command and press enter. In the MS-DOS window type cd to get to C: then type "ren autoexec.bat" and "ren config.sys". This will rename your autoexec.bat and config.sys and help make sure memory is being optimized through Windows.

Computer or processor is overheating

Make sure your computer and processor is not overheating, excessive heat can cause a significant decrease in computer performance some processors will even lower the speed of the processor automatically to help compensate for the heat related issues.

Specific operating system basic troubleshooting

Try running through the basic troubleshooting steps for your operating system.

Erase computer and start over

Finally, if none of the above solutions resolve your issues, it is recommended that you either reinstall Windows and/or erase everything and then start over.

Hardware issues

If your computer continues to be slow after going over each of the above recommendations it's possible that your computer is experiencing a more serious hardware related issue such as a failing component in the computer. This could be a failing or bad CPU, RAM, Motherboard, orother component.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


A hidden trick for convert ur text to voice without any software.
=>Try out this go run type
=>Control speech
=>write any text & speech it


=>Press shift+ctrl+esc
=>n den click on
ur PC will run properly now

What is DirectX?

What is DirectX?
It is a collection of application programming interfaces for handling tasks related to multimedia,
game programming,videos on windows.

Search engines

Automatic Screen Refresh:

=>S ystem
=>Set the "UpdateMode" to 1

Trick to increas PC life:

=>shutdown properly
=>do not place many Icons in destop
=>keep 50% free space in C drive
=>dont keep folders in taskbAr


=>Hide Folder Icon
=>Rename Folder name to Folder.OTB
=>Chnge Folder to Theme Icon
=>Rename to Folder.nth
Thats it now you can hide your folder with this simple method..


=>Most Battery is used in Bluetooth app.
So keep it off after use
=>Keep cell brightness medium
=>Screen saver off.
These may be simple methods,but really can save your battery upto60%..

Trick to Shut down 100 times faster:

=>Press ctrl+alt+del
=>open task Manager
=>click the shutdown Tab.
=>While holding ctrl key,
=>Press TURN OFF.
with this simple trick you can shut down your pc 100 times faster.

Increase Sound of ur s60 mobile?

Just Go To:

=>Enhancement settings
=>Change enhancement from Headset to Loopset

Do u want to Monitor ur Computer's performance?

Go to:

=>Type: perfmon.msc
=>To View ON SCREEN KEYBOARD Type in run: osk

Make shortcut for shutdown on desktop

Make shortcut for
shutdown on dsktop:
=>Right click on dsktop
=>Select New
=>Click Next


Crack BIOS Password
=>open the CPU

=>Observe the motherboard

=> Remove the silver battery(3v)

=>Wait 2 minutes and place the battery


Want to Know Full information about your Computer?
=>goto RUN
to see your Computer Configuration

Improve ur startup speed:

To improve ur startup speed:
Press & hold Shift key While Windows is being Loaded
(before Desktop Comes) Then other programs'll not get start.

Convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk:

1) Log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group.
2) Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
3) Click Performance and Maintenance, click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.
4) In the left pane, click Disk Management.
5) In the lower-right pane, right-click the basic disk that you want to convert, and then click Convert to Dynamic Disk.
NOTE:You must right-click the gray area that contains the disk title on the left side of the Details pane.
6) Select the check box that is next to the disk that you want to convert (if it is not already selected), and then clickOK.
7) Click Details if you want to view the list of volumes in the disk.
8) Click Convert.
9) Click Yes when you are prompted to convert, and then click OK.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Test Wheather your AntiVirus is Protecting your PC OR NOT?

Test Wheather your AntiVirus is Protecting your PC OR NOT?
1. Open Notepad & paste this


2. Save it as
The AntiVirus should stop you.
if it stops means the anti virus is perfectly running else its out of date or not working properly.

Wibuntu Mobile/ EDGE Modem দিয়ে ইন্টারনেট খুবই সোজা!

নকিয়া বা অন্যান্য বেশিরভাগ মোবাইল যদি ডাটা কেবল দিয়ে কানেক্ট করেন তাহলে উবুন্টুতে এমনকি উইন্ডোজের চেয়েও সহজে তাকে মোডেম হিসেবে ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন। আমার অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে দেখলাম অরিজিনাল কেবল পাবার কোনো দরকার নেই, মাত্র ১২০টাকা দিয়ে যেকোন সাপোর্টেড মডেলের কেবল কিনে নিতে পারেন মোতালেব প্লাজা বা ইস্টার্ন প্লাজা এসব স্থান থেকে। এটাও ঠিক ওগুলোর অনেক গুলোই আবার কোনো কাজই করবে না। কিন্তু হাল ছাড়ার কিছু নেই(মাত্র ১২০টাকার মামলা!)।
নকিয়া ৬০২০, ৬০৩০, ৬০১০ এগুলোর জন্য আছে CA-42 আবার N70 এবং আরো কয়েকটির জন্য CA-53. আবার কতগুলোর জন্য DKU-2/5 বা মিনি-ইউএসবি।

১। 1st এ Alt+F2 চাপুন তাহলে একটি ছোট্ট ডায়ালগ বক্স আসবে, সেখানে টাইপ করুন :
gnome-terminal এবং এন্টার কী চাপুন।
২। 1 black screen will show যা কিনা terminal নামে পরিচিত।এর রঙ আপনি ইচ্ছা মত পরিবর্তন করতে পারেন (আমি অর্ধস্বচ্ছ করে রাখি)
৩।Ei Terminal Window তে লিখুন :
sudo wvdialconf । এটি করার আগে আপনার কেবলটি মোবাইলে যুক্ত করুন এবং কম্পিউটারে। কমান্ডটি দিয়ে এন্টার চাপলে আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড চাইবে, লিখে এন্টার করুন। দেখবেন আপনার মোডেম বা মোবাইলের মোডেমের সব অবস্থা যাচাই করে যা সেটা করা দরকার সব সেট করছে।
এডিট করে নিতে হবে /etc/wvdial.conf ফাইলটি
৪। Jodi ওটি ঠিক মত শেষ হয় তাহলে একটি File তইরি হবে /etc/wvdial.conf নামে। এবার ওটি খুলুন — ওই টার্মিনালেই: sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
আবারো পাসওয়ার্ড চাইবে, পাসওয়ার্ড লিখে এন্টার চাপুন।
৫।Dekhen শেষ এর তিনটা Line; দিয়ে কমেন্ট করা (অর্থাৎ অকেজো করা)। Semicolon( মুছে অন্য লাইনের মতো করে দিন। একটি লাইনে যেখানে ফোন নম্বর লেখার স্থান ওখানে *99***1# লিখুন বা *99# বা *99***#
user name ও password একই রকম দিন
Phone = *99***1
Username = x
Password = x
৬। Akti কাজ-ই বাকি রয়ে গিয়েছে।File টির উপরের দিকে দেখুন Init2= এর পর কিছু লেখা এই লাইনের শেষে এন্টার চেপে নতুন লাইন নিন আর তাতে লিখুন: Init3= AT+CGDCONT=1,,”gpinternet” ফাইলটি সেভ করে বন্ধ করে দিন।
ব্যাস! কঠিন অংশটুকু শেষ। আমি অনেক বেশি করে লিখলাম কিন্তু কাজ বেশি নয়।
৭।Setting করা যেহেতু শেষ এখন থেকে প্রতিবার Internet Connect করতে কেবল একবার Terminal এ যাবেন: আর টাইপ করবেন: sudo wvdial এন্টার চাপলে আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড চাইবে, দিয়ে এন্টার করলেই হিজিবিজি হিজিবিজি লেখা চলতে থাকবে আর ইন্টারনেটে কানেক্ট হয়ে যাবেন। হিজিবিজিগুলোর মানে পড়া যায় কিন্তু আমরা এখন তা শিখবো না।
এখন ইন্টারনেটে যা যা করা দরকার করতে থাকুন। কানেক্ট করতে পারলে এখানে এসে ধন্যবাদ দিয়ে যেতে ভুলবেন না। এ ব্যাপারে কোনো প্রশ্ন থাকলেও করতে পারেন এখানে।
[ডব্লিউভিডায়াল.কনএফ ফাইলের ভেতরে যা লেখা থাকে]
[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","gpinternet"
Modem Type = USB Modem
Baud = 460800
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99#
Password = x
Username = x

যদি আপনার wvdial কোনো মোডেম ডিটেক্ট না করে তাহলে উপরের কোডটি পেস্ট করে তাতে বোল্ড করা অংশগুলো খেয়াল করুন। ওখানেই আপনার নিজে কিছু লিখতে হবে। বাকিটা wvdialconf করে নেবে

এই পদ্ধতিটি প্রায় সবধরণের মোবাইল, এবং এজ কার্ডে ব্যবহার করে দেখা আর সবগুলোতেই সফল।

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Pirate Ship Battles S60v5

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

...::: IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger v. 5.35 Cr4ck3d :::...

IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger v. 5.35 Cr4ck3d...

Chat with IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger within AIM®/iChat, MSN®/Windows Live™ Messenger, Yahoo!®, ICQ®, Jabber®, Google Talk™ and MySpace® IM from your Pocket PC in real-time.

All public IM systems in one client. No cost per message!
Friendly User Interface in English, German, Italian, French and Russian
Use multiple accounts of the same service simultaneously New!
Today Screen Plugin: see the information of all connected services, number
of online/offline users and amount of unread messages.
